
Frauenkirche Munich
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Does Michel Houellebecq Still Matter? Part II: The H.P. Lovecraft biography
In this article, Geordie Cheetham looks at Houellebecq’s first published work, a biography of the American author H. P. Lovecraft. How does disgust with the modern world become a fitting object of literary study, when Houellebecq approvingly cites Lovecraft’s disdain for all forms of realism? And what does a corpse surrounded by shopping trolleys Nouvelles Galeries have to do with it?
Where Love Lies I: The West’s Affair with the Exotic.
We are told that love is a primal force: innate, ahistorical, transcendental and above society. But how can something be truly innate if it is a concept that exists within the act of telling? CLC Columnist Mila Edensor explores such intriguing questions in this excellent analysis of early modern Portuguese poetry. From the unrequited love of men in the late 1500s, to the ‘passport bro’ of today, Edensor skilfully explores what this obscure poetry can mean for us today.
Does Michel Houellebecq still matter? Part I: Setting the scene
In this intriguing column, CLC Columnist Geordie Cheetham expertly explores the man behind some of France’s most popular tales of anomie and despair: Michel Houellebecq.
Bas(qu)ing in difference: the Beauty of the Basque identity II: Pin(tx)ch me, a life changing food experience
In this entertaining excursion of an article, CLC columnist Freya John takes us on a culinary tour of Bilbao as she recounts her love affair with the ‘incredible, edible, small delights: pintxos.’
Bas(qu)ing in Difference: the Beauty of the Basque Identity I: The Enigma of Euskera
In the first instalment of her column, European columnist Freya John explores the mystery of Euskera, the language of the Basque Country. From its linguistic background, to its sociopolitical significance, John offers an insightful overview of this minor language.
The Berlin Bulletin 2: Going “Bezirk”
In this new installment of the Berlin Bulletin, European columnist Sophie Clare takes us on a tour of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. From stadiums, to Savignyplatz, parks and palaces, and even David Bowie’s regular haunt, she covers it all in this gentle tour of just one Berlin district.
Columns by Title and Category
- A Day in the Life
- Across Borders and Senses
- Bas(qu)ing in difference: the Beauty of the Basque identity
- Berlin Bulletin
- Between Wars, Between Identities
- Beyond Brave Little Blighty
- Bing and Bao - A Culinary Diary in Taipei
- Cairo Chronicles
- Continental Cambridge
- Deformation as Reformation
- Dialogues with the Dead
- Does Michel Houellebecq still matter?
- East Asia
- Egyptian Soul
- Epilogue to a Travel Blog
- Europe
- Exploring the Epics
- Film Across Borders
- Flâneur bops and flops
- French
- German
- Germanistik: In search of the female writer...
- Germanistik: In search of the female writer…
- Iberia
- Immersion
- Intimate Transgressions
- Italian
- La Femme Française
- Las ideas no se matan: reflexiones sobre la literatura latinoamericana
- Le Nouveau Raz-de-Marée
- Linguistics
- Lockdown alla Veneziana
- Los Niños de la Guerra
- Lusophone Considerations
- Middle East and Africa
- Modern Fiction in Translation
- More than Music
- Musings on Benjamin and Berlin
- Opinion
- Parisistible
- Perché Sanremo è Sanremo
- Portuguese
- Postcards from Vienna
- Representation in British Sign Language
- Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
- Secrets of the Steppe
- South America
- Spanish
- The French Dispatch