Current Affairs
Out of Steam: Is The ‘Franco-German Engine’ Beginning to Sputter?
Aaron Syposz explores the history of Franco-German relations, and how recent political chaos in both countries may adversely affect a cultural, economic and political partnership that had, until recently, appeared relatively harmonious.
Tbilisi’s Turning Point: Election Uncertainty in Georgia’s Capital
Maddy Guha gives insight into the run up to the highly anticipated 2024 Georgian parliamentary elections through the eyes of Georgian citizens and her observations whilst on her year abroad.
The election of a generation: Erdoğan v. Kılıçdaroğlu
Doa Acikgun dives into the 2023 Turkish general election and argues that a victory for Kılıçdaroğlu represents a one-in-a-generation moment for Turkey and its future.
Two visions of Italian womanhood
Staff Writer Dylan Stewart explores the new landscape of Italian politics in this interrogative article that explores the intersection of womanhood, politics, and the future of Italy.
The cost of intervention
In a heartfelt, personal piece, Staff Writer Lucy McCulloch explores the notion of humanity with relation to reintervening in Afghanistan.
Riots and rainforests
Staff Writer Jamilya Betram dives into the world of Brazilian politics and explores what the recent election of President Lula means for the biggest country in South America.
A privilege, not a right
Dylan Stewart investigates the role of social media in Latin American politics, exploring how the people of the region can make their world a more inclusive and resilient space.
Ciotti’s boulder
‘Instead, Ciotti might realise too late that he was never Hercules, but Sisyphus.’ Staff Writer Jensen Hawkes explores whether or not Éric Ciotti can become a leader in French politics.
La troisième fois sera la bonne?
Jensen Hawkes explores Marine Le Pen and wider French politics, warning his readers to not underestimate her and her party’s capability of winning the 2027 French presidential election.